Sunday, April 30, 2017

SJS5- The North Korea Problem: Dealing with Irrationality

 SJS5- "The North Korea Problem: Dealing with Irrationality"

Source: Cumings, Bruce. “The North Korea Problem: Dealing with Irrationality.” Current History, vol. 108, no. 719, Sept. 2009, pp. 284-90.

Author Credentials: Bruce Cumings is the chairman of the history department at the University of Chicago and also the author of "Dominion from Sea to Sea: Pacific Ascendancy and American Power." This shows that Cumings is a very reliable source who is well educated in his field and often conducts exemplary research.

Summary: Cumings explains in his article background on North Korea and the nuclear weapons they hold. He discusses the thoughts of Kim Jong Il and what he believes that Kim Jong Il will plan to do and why. He continues in the article to about Obama being elected as our president in 2009 and what his predecessors did before he entered the office. Here he discusses what Clinton did compared to what both President Bushes did and how Obama differs from Clinton, the bushes, and Carter. He analyzes what he believes will happen in the future with North Korea and what treaties and documents we can make to ensure the safety of our country as well as the rest of the world. Cumings ends his piece with the section titled, "The Melfi Strategy" where he describes the strategy as seen in a movie of how a psychiatrist deals with a patient who is "...angry, violent, insulting, aggravating, recalcitrant, prideful, [and] self-defeating..." He continues to describe the way Jennifer Melfi dealt with Tony Soprano and compares it to the way he believes the Unite States should act with North Korea.

Analysis: Cumings gives the reader an interesting insight on what his thoughts are about the U.S. and North Korea. He supports his thoughts with factual information about how past presidents interacted with the dangerous country. He follows up with his "Fictional Scenarios" about what the United States could do and what he believes North Korea would react to these scenarios. The piece shows that Cumings is truly deep in thought about what could happen not only to our country but to the world while thinking about the unknown of what North Korea holds and how many nuclear weapons they contain. North Korea is a frightening country for most people in the world because we do not know a lot about it and that frightens the rest of the world, the unknown is what causes fear. This fear ensures that the United States has to go along very wearily and make decisions based on what is safe and what is better for the world and our country as a whole. The article was very well written and included interesting information and ideas that made the reader think about North Korea and the possible situations our country has experienced and may experience in the future and how we should react to those situations.

SJS5- “Is Vietnam on the Verge of Change?”

SJS5- “Is Vietnam on the Verge of Change?”

Source: London, Jonathan D. "Is Vietnam on the Verge of Change." Current History, vol.
    114, no. 773, Sept. 2015, pp. 229-35.

Author Credentials: Jonathan London is qualified to discuss this issue because he is the only author of a Vietnamese language blog written by a foreigner. London’s blog is on Vietnam’s politics. In addition, London has a PhD in Sociology. London has also worked in a few different schools in East Asia.

Summary: In the article, Jonathan London explained that Vietnam has improved greatly over the past decade or two, but there is still room for improvement. London said that “from 1990 to 2010, Vietnam’s economy grew at an average rate of 7 percent...” (London 230). While this is a good statistic, Vietnam’s economic growth has grown since. In addition, to economic growth, technology has greatly increased in Vietnam as well. Many years ago it was uncommon to own a cellphone and have access to the internet, but phone and internet usage has flourished. Until recently, unfiltered information from the internet was only common among people with state power, however many more people are using the internet and other things such as Facebook. All in all, Vietnam has enhanced since a few decades ago and will hopefully continue to improve.

Analysis: The author makes a strong argument about Vietnam’s success in the past decades. London uses many statistics as well as concrete information to back up his idea that Vietnam is on the verge of change. London rarely uses opinions in this article which helps make the article easier to follow and makes the article seem more reliable. I believe that London is a reliable source because of his background in East Asia. Although I found little information about London, he drafted a well-written article with sufficient information to support his thesis. One thing that I think could have improved the article was if London included more information about the actions between Vietnam and the United States, but overall the article was satisfactory.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

SJS 5- "Forbidden Memories of 1989"

SJS5- “Forbidden Memories of 1989”

Source- Merkel-Hess, Kate. “Forbidden Memories of 1989.” Current History, vol. 113, no. 764, Sept. 2014, pp. 252-53.

Author Credentials- Kate Merkel-Hess is an assistant professor of history and Asian studies.

Summary- The first section of the article focuses on reporting on the incident in 1989. It discusses Evan Osnos’ Age of Ambition which discusses thoughts and feelings on Tiananmen Square. Also, Louisa Liam is discussed who focuses most of her free time on the incident at Tiananmen Square in 1989. The article also briefly discusses what happened on the night of June 3, 1989. Hess wraps up the article discussing some of Lim’s interviews which reveals the aftermath of Tiananmen Square and how the government will not even allow the families mourn for their loved ones.

Analysis- Overall, I think that the journal was an okay read, but could have definitely been better. The main focuses on the article were good, however, there was not a lot of description or details in some parts of the journal. For example, Hess refers to violence a lot when discussing Tiananmen Square and people with no background on the subject would not know what has taken place there. If Hess would have elaborated more in this journal it would have been a great, informative read.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

PDP5 - Constitution of the Empire of Japan

PDP5 - Constitution of the Empire of Japan

Author Bio: The Constitution of the Empire of Japan, also called the Meiji Constitution, did not have a single author, but rather several different authors and foreign advisors who worked on it. However, it is perhaps worth mentioning Hirobumi Ito, who was tasked with researching different constitutions from other countries to help form Japan's constitution. He ended up drawing some main ideas from Prussia's constitution and Britain's Westminster system. Since the main ideas of the Constitution were filtered through him, his bias shows up in the document.

Date/Context: The document was put into effect in 1989 during the rule of Emperor Meiji. This was one of the products of the Meiji Restoration, which began in the 1860s. Many reforms were put in place during this time period, some of which were influenced by Western powers, and Japan flourished and became much more powerful than it had been under its old systems. This constitution was a result of the new ideas people had to improve their country, and while it drew some concepts from the West, it was altogether unique.

Summary: The Meiji Constitution lists the rights and responsibilities of people in power, as well as those of the citizens, whom it calls "subjects." The emperor is the ultimate head of state, and he controls the military and the executive branch of government. The legislative branch is called the Imperial Diet, and consists of a House of Peers, made up of nobility, and a House of Representatives, made up of people elected by the subjects. A Privy Council was made for the emperor to consult, and an independent judiciary was established. Subjects were guaranteed freedom of religion, speech, and the press. The Constitution also talks about the federal budget, and how systems would be temporarily changed in case of an emergency.

Key Quotation: "We deem it establish fundamental laws formulated into express provisions of law, so that...Our Imperial posterity may possess an express guide for the course they are to follow, and that...Our subjects shall thereby be enabled to enjoy a wider range of action in giving Us their support, and that the observance of Our laws shall continue to the remotest ages of time."

Sunday, April 23, 2017

PDP5- Analects of Confucius


It is commonly thought that the analects of Confucius were written in 500BC, and became one of the most important texts in Chinese history. It soon spread to strongly influence Chinese culture as well as neighboring countries such as Vietnam, Korea, and Japan. Although not a religious text, it is rather a series of moral guidelines.

Motives and Bias of Author-

The author was Confucius and he was a well respected teacher, writer, and philosopher. It is often disputed whether he was born into poverty, however it is fact that he grew into a large influence on Chinese politics and traditional values. He writes because he wants to share his thoughts on individual compassion and respect during a time of deterioration of Chinese principals. Considering that the text is one of ideological nature, I think that source cannot be objectively credible or not because it is a matter of personal opinion.


The second book of analects can be summed into the discussion of government, filial piety, and the character and education of a man.  The third book of analects, which is also included in the document, covers the value of virtue and the qualities of a 'superior' man. He supports his argument through the use of examples from his life and statements from 'The Master'. His audience is the Chinese people and it tells us about the fractured nation of China and the need for a reaffirmation of unity. It supports secondary and third sources in that it elaborates on the generalized terms of Confucianism.

Key Quotation-

"Be filial, only be filial and friendly towards your brothers, and you will contributing to govenrment".

Thursday, April 6, 2017

SJS2: "Severe drought brings starving Kenyans to church doorsteps"

SJS2- "Severe drought brings starving Kenyans to church doorsteps"

Source: Nzwili, Fredrick. "Severe drought brings starving Kenyans to church doorsteps." The Christian Century, vol. 134, no. 5, 2017, p. 16. Student Resources in Context

Author Credentials: Fredrick Nzwili is a Kenyan journalist and author. For over 15 years, he has written various articles on politics, religion, the environment, and more; writing for publications such as The Tablet, The Christian Science Monitor, The National Geographic and other Kenyan local newspapers.

Summary: In this article, Nzwili discusses the effects of the East African drought in the city of Thata, Kenya. This particular drought is largely attributed to climate change and has plagued Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopa, Tanzania, and South Sudan, putting millions of people at risk throughout its seven year duration. Because of this severe drought, families in Thata must walk long distances to various churches and charities just to get basic commodities such as corn meal or bread. The drought has become so bad that even the churches do not have enough to feed their people, and personnel have to donate their own food to the people afflicted. So far, Kenya's government has given $1.6 million to support those affected by the drought, and expect to give $2 million by March of 2017.

Analysis: Though the article is short, it brings to light many of the struggles people in East Africa are facing due to weather conditions. Also, though it is mainly about people struggling to eat in East Africa, the main point can be traced to every single country in which excessive fossil fuel use is a problem.

SJS4- "Magna Carta Third Edition"

Source- Holt, J.C.. "Magna Carta", edition 3, Cambridge U P

Author Credentials- This author, J.C. Holt is experienced with scholarly journals, for he is published by the Cambridge University Press in 2015. Holt is a professor at Cambridge University and the people that assisted him in the introduction went to Oxford University and the University of Saint Andrews.

Summary- "Magna Carta" was about the historiographical assessment of the original Magna Carta. It states that the Magna Carta is not as influential as perceived by the people England. King John of England was not popular because of his unsuccessful military campaigns, high taxes, and conflicting foreign affairs. The assessment is said that the writing is a perfect example of jurisdiction abstraction in characteristics.

Analysis- I believe that the analysis of the Magna Carta is accurate becuase of the facts of the negative connotations of the King and the comparisons between the "Magna Carta" and the "Ius Cummune." According to "Magnus Carta" assessment of The original Magna Carta, it is a negative thought of certain people. I agree with the fact hat King John was not a very good leader, for he did not do well and slot money and land with foreign affairs, JC Holt is also has good credentials so I know he has educated reasonings.

"Instructions of Writing by and Egyption Scribe." PDP

Author: (Anonymous, it was written during the time of Ancient Egypt.)

Analysis: Based on the information provided in this text, becoming and Egyptian scribe during Ancient times, one would have to observe the most simple things and record them even as a mere apprentice. For example, in the texts it describes large manors/mansions with male and female slaves and servants. Not only what the scribe may see they have to record, but also to be more free and creative. As the scribes apprentice should describe the fine clothes, the horses, and the setting as like an art canvas while the writing records is consisted of the paint and palette. Throughout the text it mainly seems someone is specifically talking to and or teaching the apprentice on what to exactly to record as a scribe.

Summary: The article overall is merely an insight from a first hand account as the text reads in first person. My interpretation of the text is some kind of veteran scribe instructing a younger one newer to the field of this duty. The person uses terms such as "I instruct you to..." which gives off a hint that this account was about someone teaching another how to be a scribe. The author whom is anonymous, also describes everyday life that they may witness in ancient Egypt.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

PDP4- The Magna Carta

PDP4- Magna Carta
Author Bio: The Magna Carta was written by King John who was the King of England. He was the king on April 6 1199 until 1216.

Date/Context: The Magna Carta was created by King John on June 15, 1215. It is the document that basically describes a witness in court should not be treated as a criminal until it is peocen and agreed on. This is what the Fifth Ammendment of the Constitution is based off of, this ammendment describes the due process of law. The Magna Carta was created so that a group of barons could protect their rights and property against a tyrant-like king.

Summary: The Magna Carta once again represents the rights of people and the process of due process of law that was based off of the Magna Carter and carried into Europe. It was created by the baron group to declare what rights they had and how they will protect their property from the King who ruled like a tyrant. The main idea is for people to have equal abilities to be proven innocent. It directly reflects the Fifth Ammendment of our country. The composers of the document fekt that everyne needed to have a fair process of judicial order, this was the process they came up with.

Key Quotation: "'No freeman shall be taken, imprisoned, disseised, outlawed, banished, or in any way destroyed, nor will We proceed against or prosecute him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land.'"